
Future of Payroll Survey: Mapping the journey ahead for payroll professionals

Is your payroll function ready to become the strategic business partner of tomorrow?

Ribbons of grey color in the shape of a triangle

What you’ll learn:

The challenges and opportunities facing payroll professionals

How to harness the potential of pay to future-proof your organization 

A step-by-step guide for payroll leaders to start taking action today 

Evolving business and employee expectations mean the future of payroll will look very different than it does today. Payroll will move from a back-office function to a strategic business partner. But are your payroll systems, methods, and professionals ready?

Ceridian’s Future of Payroll Survey, conducted in partnership with the American Payroll Association (APA) and the Global Payroll Management Institute (GPMI), aimed to find out. Our findings reveal that 85% of respondents have problems with their payroll technologies and 69% say they have payroll data issues – and there is even more work to be done to be ready for what tomorrow brings.

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